

How-to-Grow World Class Giant Pumpkins III

WCGP III presents the newest information on cultural methods, who's who, and records. New ideas about plant size and pruning strategies throw a whole new light on the grower with only a small area to devote to giant pumpkins.
192 pages - hardcover



Giant Tomatoes

Published in 2007, this book will become a valuable reference to anyone who grows or wants to grow tomatoes, either for home use or competition. Giant Tomatoes is the first book on tomatoes that deals exclusively with growing tomatoes for size and yiel



The Growing and Marketing of Fall Mums

Published in 1992, this book has become a valuable reference to anyone who grows or wants to grow Fall Garden Mums commercially. This book will turn your backyard into a money making growing machine. Thousands have been sold through garden mum cutting pro
